Saturday, 19 February 2022

Ten Years

You know, if you said to me 10 years ago that I'd go on to do what I've done within the tabletop hobby I would have thought you were nuts.

I mean, I didn't join the army nor have I become a professional hitman but it's definitely been a life changing period.

What happened 10 years ago? The 1st Chapter ended, that's what.

It's weird to think back on it, mostly because my emotions at that time were very ragged and I was both mentally and physically exhausted. I was also very much done with all things board, card, roleplay, war game and comic book related.

I recently had cause to be on the street where the shop was and I took a photo. Not quite wondering "What if?" but more in reflection on whether the 2nd Chapter has only been possible because the 1st ended the way it did... No way of actually knowing I suppose but it certainly gave me pause for thought.

If there's one truth that I can take from that thought, it's this, I value my hobby more now than I ever have.

Probably moreso given the last couple of years of COVID.

So, there it is. Ten Years.

Here's to the next ten.